Wednesday, 23 April 2014


By Memes  |  16:51 1 comment


satellite image sikhar

The field excursion was done along the stream originating from the shikhar fall which has the geological location around Krol region. This Krol region which has got the various formations such as Mahi formation (krol A) , Jarashi formation (Lower member, Upper member and Lower member (Krol C)),and Kauriyala formation (Middle member(Krol D), Upper Member (Krol E)). Below to this Krol formation Infra Krol Formation is lying which is also called Blaini Formation.
This stream originating at the Shikhar fall flows though this Krol region and BalianAa region.
Following are features of this Shikhar fall: - 
The geological setting around the stream is forming the Musshorie Syn-cline.
Main Boundary Thrust (MBT), separates Lesser Himalaya (Jaunsar Group) from Sub – Himalaya (Siwalik Group).
Latitude of the place:
Longitude of the  place:
Types of the rocks found: Sandstone, shale, Slate,Quarzite, Limestone.
Dip direction: -15NNE SSW
Dip amount : - 36 degree


big boulders
Fig1: - Geological carrying of the big boulders down the stream 

In the due course of time the water force has brought down these bigger boulders down the channel and because of the slope difference it is being taken down and down. Because of collision and abrasion these big boulders will diminish in size and break into smaller pieces such cobbles, pebbles and gravels.


Fig 2:- Breccia


quartz veins
Fig 3 : - Primary and Secondary Calcite veins

This picture has got the calcite veins shown in white colour The calcite  veins are cross cutting each other in this picture. Also, the joints are clearly shown where one rock mass is lying over other


erosion of rock
Fig 4: - Showing erosion of the rock mass because of the hardness difference

The erosivility of the  rock surface is the function of hardness. The more harder the surface the less erosive it will be. In the above picture it depicts the same.


weathered rock mass
Fig5: Weathered rock mass because of the action of water and air


                                  Fig 6:-  Parallel rock blocks stacked together showing joints


Natural levees
Fig 7 :-  Natural levees formed showing the flow directions. 

The flow direction is determined from this clay cutting andthis is very important to understand the seasonal nature variation of the stream.


When we travel along the stream and many characteristic features of river keep on changing such as gravel size and roundness. With distance the gravel size keep on diminishing and degree of roundness keep on increasing . In other wordwe can say that the degree of roundness tells about the distance travelled by the rock sample.
Also, the stream keep on changing their flow direction with the level of resistance they encounter in their path. The current flow direction and paleodirection of the current can be studied from the flow marks seen on the levee structures and the rock samples.

Author: Memes

Harshit Pandey is a passionate blogger, SEO - Expert and Geoscience Engg.

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